6-month license for Diamond Painting only. The license starts from Day of Purchase
Licensing contract for Karla Rodriguez “Dolleetoile” art to be given to Jade Margason-Regalado “JadedGemShop” for the purposes of diamond painting production.
This contract declares that Karla Rodriguez has given permission to Jade Margason to use her artwork for the purposes of Diamond painting Kits (this includes small thumbnail sticker in the kit that are NOT to be sold on there own)
Both parties agree that Karla’s art license is for diamond painting only, Karla’s art is exclusive to JadedGemShop for the use of diamond painting and during the duration of the license she may not license to other diamond painting companies, Karla may create any merchandise with her art for her own purposes weather it be retail, personal, or otherwise and has full control of her art for all other types of production.Both parties agreed on pricing as follows, the licensing for each piece of art is to be purchased for $300 for 6 month or $500 for one full calendar year. During the duration of this timeframe Jade may have Diamond Painting kits produced with only the images currently payed for. Jade may sell kits after the license runs out of time if stock of items remain however new product may not be made unless the license is repurchased from Karla.
The Star and the Dragon - 6 month License for Diamond Painting