Karla Rodríguez
Dic / 1990
I’m available for freelance work. If you’re interested in getting rates send me a mail to:
Born in 1990, Karla Rodríguez grew up interested in books and movies, she was enchanted by the tales and illustrations. Drawing what she felt representing her characters was part of her life since she was little. In her late teens she found Ball Jointed dolls from Japan, and felt a conection with her work. In college when she was struggling she found the work of Marina from Enchanted doll and felt a strong conection with the way she displayed her work along with more fairy tale illustrators or painters from old times. Her style evolved from that time. The work of Karla are illustrations and drawings that represent fantasy and surreal creations. Inspired by fairy tale books with a vintage touch.
Music Box IV - Haven Gallery NY - Group Exhibition
Mira guapa. Colectiva de ilustradoras mexicanas July 15-August 27th 2017. - Mexico City - Galería José María Velasco
El canto de las Musas - Galería Alvares Malo en Casa de la Cultura de Playas de Tijuana- April 7-June 17 2017. - Solo Show
It's a Pink World After All IV - February 15th 2017. Mexico City - Rojo Bermelo shop
The art of Aqualumina - Nucleus Gallery / Los Ángeles, USA - June 25, 26 y 28 del 2016 - Group show
Madrecitas 2014 - Imperial Valley College, USA- September 2014. - Group show
Madrecitas 2014 - Casa de la Cultura, Mexicali, Baja California, México. - April 2014. - Group show
Diseño Hecho en México en " XVII Jornadas de Diseño MOTIVA 2014". - Spain- March 25 de 2014. - Group show
Tarot - La Sociedad de los Bocetos Olvidados - October 2013 - Mexico - Group show
Noche de Brujas y día de muertos - La Sociedad de los Bocetos Olvidados - October 2012 - Group show